- Websites -

The North Carolina Local Food Council (NCLFC)

The Issue:

Their old website had some formatting issues, some broken links, and a color palette that was harsher than what the Council wanted. They wanted to showcase their affiliates, partners, and members more accessibly.

The Solution:

The Loop Creative team (@followtheloop ) and I created a color palette and chose typefaces that were friendlier and more engaging. We audited the old site and came up with a new navigation scheme that was better for user interaction. The new site features some custom code for a full-bleed interactive slideshow, anchor links (to jump to different points on a page), and dropdowns so that the sheer amount of information isn’t overwhelming. I made a style guide and held some training sessions with the NCLFC team so they could keep the site up to date.


"This process was so exciting and fun! You made it so easy for us and we are so happy with the final product. I wanted to especially thank Abra for putting so much work into this and for taking the extra time to help me learn some design skills (which I will definitely carry with me beyond this position).”

— Sienna Z., NCLFC

